For Burn Injuries 4 Best Home Remedies

For Burn Injuries 4 Best Home Remedies

Burn injuries are very common in kitchen. Here you find some excellent home remedies to treat
your burn wound by your own. Types of burn vary according to its area and depth of injury, in
case of children you must be some extra aware of having infection and all. Burn and blisters are
so called vice versa. Know how to treat blisters and application of ointment. So read this to
prevent any further infection and get some knowledge for your future use and treatment.

Burn injuries:

Burn injuries are the damage of external and internal tissues by heat stimulation. According to the severity of tissue damage the burn injuries are categorized as 1st  degree burn, 2nd  degree burn and third degree burn. 1 st  degree or minor burn injuries normally take 10 to 15 days to heal. Where the external skin and few tissues are damaged, i.e. the depth and size of burn is very small. You can use kitchen remedies to reduce pain, prevent infections, and healing.

Types of burn:

According to the external stimuli, burns are classified as Thermal, Radiation, Chemical, Electrical Burn.

Thermal burn: caused by heat exposure to the skin tissue.

Radiation burn: caused by prolonged and continuous exposure to UV rays.

Chemical burn: caused by chemical product such as acids etc. specifically in laboratory and industrial setup.  

Electrical burn: caused by electric shock. This is very danger, chances of survival is low.

Four home remedies for burn injuries:

1. Pour cool water or place your burn surface under tap water. Don’t use ice or cold water over the burn area. Ice irritates the burn surface. You can use wet clean cloth on the burn area as cool compress to
reduce pain and irritation.

2. You can use salt instantly over the mild burn area. Gently use white salt over the area it prevent the
formation of blisters.

3. Use raw potato over the burn area to reduce burning sensation. Potato peels not only provide moisture but also help in the healing of the burn.

4. Aloevera is also called the burn plant. Apply a layer of pure Aloevera gel taken from the leaf of an
aloevera plant directly to the affected area. Avoid products with color and perfume.

Aloevera gel: Aloevera is known as burn plant. The gel like product is anti-inflammatory in nature. It also promotes the circulation. Gel extract from the plant also inhibits the growth of bacteria in wound site.

Below Five points to remember in case of your children:

1. Flush the area with lots of cool running water.

2. Try to remove the clothing of the victim if it stuck to skin don’t force it.

3. Keep the children lying down with the burn area is raised.

4. Allow to drink water and other liquid food stuff if airway is not blocked.

5. Cover the burn area with sterile gauze or clean cloth until medical help arrives.

Blisters in case of burn:

Blister is a water bubble of skin. Usually blisters are full of clear fluid. Sometimes it may bloody or with push. Blisters are often heals by their own. If it breaks wash with clean water and after cleansing apply antibiotic ointments and leave them uncovered if possible. Always remember when the blisters are formed the protecting layer of our skin is damaged so chances of infection is very high. Always be hygienic, perform continuous sterile dressing. Never let the wound be dirty or to come in contact with dust particles.

Water in case of burns:

Water means body fluid is very important in case of any burn cases. Water hydrates the victim, never disallow to drink water. In case of some electric burns people doesn’t give water to drink but as per medical guidelines plenty of water should be consumed by the victim for quick recovery.

Water is also important for the wound. Application of cool water in burn area soon after burn can reduce the chances of burn severity.

Application of Ointment:

No ointment should be applied locally right after if the injury is more, it may contaminate the wound. So better go for medical help, make sure that victim is under antibiotics and then use ointments if the injury is more than a minor.

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Commonly used ointment is Silverex ionic. All ointment used in burn treatment is the composition of SILVER NITRATE. It is anti-infective, antiseptic, antibacterial, and cauterize in nature.

Important: Make sure that you are up-to-date on TETANUS immunization.

Hope you have a basic idea on burn injuries, blister formations, application of ointments, importance of consuming water, hygiene maintenance and so on. After reading this article, don’t panic for your child from today onwards. Keep calm and go for the best home remedies. Hope you get satisfied and beneficial from this post. Thank you for your valuable time and wish you a trauma free healthy life.

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